Now in your daily practice you might start with a body scan, then sit up and do a little breathing with the whole breath body (all the way in and all the way out), staying in touch with being an animal body. This activity brings some natural wholesome quality of mind - a term used to describe it is "pleasurable interest." You might connect to it by considering how a house cat might feel sitting in the sun, just enjoying being an animal relaxing and breathing in the warmth and light.
When you are settled and feeling comfortable and relaxed turn attention to the anchor in the breath.
Use the Daily Record Form to make brief notes about what you are using for an anchor point and where your attention goes when not on the anchor. At the end of the week, summarize your experience using the Weekly Review Form.
Please remember to contact me or another teacher if you have questions.Do you have any concern that you might not be doing this correctly? If so, be assured that this is how many people feel. Please read this comment sometime during the week, especially if you are ever having any doubts about your experience or your ability to meditate.